Environmentally Sustainable Vacation Rental Cabins

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Vacation rental cabins have become more a popular option for travelers looking for a relaxing and rustic getaway, especially in the past few years. However, these cabins can have a significant impact on the environment, if not managed sustainably. We are not only passionate about our guest experience, but we are also passionate about nature! That's why we strive to be environmentally sustainable.

When you stay at our cabins, you'll notice that we provide all-natural hygiene products from Public Goods and and all-natural cleaning products from Shaklee. We are proud to support both of these companies as they actively strive to be environmentally sustainable.

  • Public Goods products are made from wholesome ingredients that are pure and simple; free of parabens, sulfates, toxic chemicals, and unnecessary additives.
  • Shaklee was the first company in the world to obtain climate neutral certification and totally offset its co2 emissions, resulting in a net zero impact on the environment. Shaklee's cleaners do not contain hazardous chemicals, chlorine or phosphates, and are are naturally derived. They are safe for us and wildlife. They don't pollute the air and water. They are gentle on our ecosystem.

You'll also notice if you stay at Ridge Top Adventure Cabin that we have a EV charger installed. Should you have an electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle, we invite you to charge your vehicle, at no additional cost, and continue to decrease your carbon footprint.

And while we might encourage you to plug in your vehicle, we encourage you to "unplug" and spend time outdoors. Our cabins are located on plenty of private acreage for you to step out into nature and enjoy the beauty of the Smoky Mountains without even needing to leave. Choose a book, journal or board game over electronic devices.

But we can only do so much. That's where you are so important. When inside the cabin, please be mindful of energy consumption. Turn off lights and fireplaces when not in use. Monitor that heat and air conditioner settings. Keep the cover on the hot tub when not in use. While they might seem like small details, they add up one day and one guest at a time. We hope that you'll do your part to help us be environmentally sustainable.

Being environmentally sustainable with a vacation rental cabin requires conscious effort, but it is worth it. After all, we only have one earth. Let's honor it and take care of it all year long, not just on Earth Day.